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Saturday, 28 September 2013

Where do you put everything?

We are often being asked how we manage to fit everything in to the Blue Bus, so I thought it was time to put together a post with some of the space saving ideas we have had over the years and some of the ways we have made the most of the space in the van.

Modifications to cupboards

  • Added three shelves to the wardrobe which still leave a large space at the bottom where we can fit the portable fan heater and bottles of wine
  • Added a shelf to the top half of the large cupboard above the fridge where we keep clothes
  • Added a shelf and partition to the cupboard under the cooker for food, towels and teapot, kettle etc.
  • We also use plastic baskets and boxes to keep items separate and organised

The wardrobe
Cupboard above the fridge
Cupboard under the cooker

Making best use of the space we have

  • Fishing tackle boxes for small items and tupperware boxes all labelled (because we are always forgetting what is in them) for one of the high cupboards
  • Ikea tins for food and above these spare tea bags in a laundry net held in place with hooks
  • Travel size games in the narrow shelves in the high top

Fishing tackle boxes and tupperware clip boxes are
labelled so we remember what is in them
The net holds the boxes of tea bags
so they don't fall on to my head

Scrabble, back gammon, cards,
cribbage & dominoes

Other additions

  • Specially made carriers for our Crocs, handily placed at the back door and made from Wilkinsons car plastic waste bins and a piece of wood.
  • Nets on the front of the over cab cupboard door
  • Under the off-side passenger seat, books and more spare tea bags fit on top of the heater and a specially made bag hooks in the narrow gap between this and the back of the under seat drawer to fit a bicycle pannier.

Our Crocs are always handy
The bike pannier fits neatly under the
passenger seat

How do you fit everything in your van?